Thanks to Harry C who resides in the land of warm beer and
cold Xmas's I
give you:
ROBERT PLANT/COZY POWELL - Rockfield Studios 1981 (Monmouth,
England in
Autumn 1981) SBD.
The seed discs are an audio clone of the Liberated Bootleg CD's
from our favourite fishmonger.
As usual you need to be a member of LZ_Trees to be able to sign
Once you have signed up, browse over to the database area and add
I'm working on artwork from the source, this will be posted in
the files
section once I have it.
I'll leave this open for three weeks to hopefully ensure everyone
gets a
chance at it.
I haven't asked this for a while BUT it stands to reason that all
use EAC to rip the audio for leaves.
Please do not sign up as a branch if EAC means nothing to you,
you are doing
yourselves & your leaves a disservice by not using EAC to
Of course if there are those amongst us who wish to be
Distributing Branches
then please contact me offlist and I'll get you your discs ASAP.
You must sign up via the LZ_Tree group database to get onto this
Tree, do
not email me and expect I do it for you.
The group is moderated and not advertised in the wider Yahoo
I'm off to watch the cricket (who put the wind up the Pakkies).
Have a liver bashing good time this New Year.
Les. :)