Tree Announcement:
Branch signups are now being taken for a tree of a 2 VCD set for the Page/Crowes 7-10-00 Jones Beach show.
This is a two Video CD set; these VCD's will play in any computer with a CD-ROM drive, and in any DVD player, other than 1st generation DVD players (The ones that first came out when DVD just hit the markets.)
For more information on VCD's, go to
The VCD's can be copied just like any other disc. If you're using CDRWIN, which you should be, you can use its extract to disk tool to create an image file to burn with.
This video is shot from the audience, but is VERY VERY good. The entire show is just about head-to-toe or closer, and pretty stable throughout. The VCD's are sourced from a VERY lo-gen VHS tape. There are a few moments where the camera strays from the action, but not too many and not for too much of a duration in time. I'd give the video a 9 and the sound a 7. The show is complete except for Celebration Day and the beginning of Wanton Song.
I am only taking Branch signups at this point. Leaves, PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP YET.
Branches, send an email to with this in the subject: Page/Crowes 7-10-00 Tree BRANCH
And in the body of the email, put your name, email address, and state/country EXACTLY like this:
Chris deCastro CA
Anonymous UK
Also, if you're only willing to burn for a certain number of leaves, specify so like this: Chris deCastro CA 5 leaves
Finally, if you're in the United States and are willing to burn for international leaves (If you're not in the US and you're a branch, you'll prolly have to burn for international leaves if you like it or not. (LOL.), please specify so like this.
Chris deCastro CA International
Branch signups will close at 10:00 pm PST, Friday, June 16, 2001.
After I organize the branch structures, I'll post an announcement for leaf structure.
Finally, once again, LEAVES PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP YET.