Here is another Zepephile memebers only tree to help fatten up your tradelists. This is an announcement for an *SHN* tree of the audience source of Madison Square Garden 7-27-73. It will be sourced from "Out of the Song Remains" as released on the Holy label on a 2 CD set. I am a huge SHN fan now so I will be distributing the seed discs as SHN files. I am inviting prospective branches who are equipped to copy .shn files to sign up immediately. To make this quick I will have 4 super branches followed by the regular branches similar to the Triple Threat trees a few months ago. I will be trading with the super branches, but if branches want to set up some FTP transfers with one another I will leave that up to them. Super/main branches, will be copying SHN>SHN for the branches. Branches, you will in most cases be uncompressing SHN and burning audio for your leaves. If you want to branch and happen to have Page/Plant Chicago 4-29-95 and the Image Quality release of Earls Court 5-17-75. Please let me know because I am hunting for those. Here is a great SHN program for those interested or unfamiliar with SHN files. I was amazed at how easy it was to set up and use. If you don't know what SHN is, go here: Part I--Show Details and Comments I am a hardcore audience source junkie and think the audience tape presents the band in a more powerful way than the soundboards. I have that Safecrackers one and am not impressed. Blah! As far as sound ratings go this is another one Godwin blew in his most recent edition. He has this as a soundboard when it is obviously an audience source. It has a nice distorted, fat sound to it. Check it out in Rey's guide. He is spot on about the quality. It is very enjoyable. Right upfront. It sounds very similar to the soundtrack in parts, but it has an audience, is without the edits, and it has more balls. It runs from about Rain Song to the end of the show. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- If you wish to be a branch please read the following: Hopefully most branches will need to handle between 4-5 leaves. I will try to set up everyone according to geography, but branches should be prepared to deal out of the area. You will be expected to burn perfect copies. EAC with the correct offset value set is a must. You might want to mention your burner and software specs just to be cool. Also, you must have access to quality CDR media. Example- Kodak, TDK and Sony. Any other cdr media will not be allowed unless it is worked out with your branch. No Crackerjack prize blank media OK! :) Lastly I want everyone smiling and having fun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- To sign up, send an E-mail to pippilongstocking@p... Include in the subject line either MSG Branch or MSG Leaf depending on what you want to be. This is important! You don't want you message ending up in my porno folder or something. Include your name, e-mail address and geographic location (PLEASE PROVIDE THEM ON ONE LINE OF THE MESSAGE) Example: Jon Doe Bonhambeater@c... California USA I like to cut and paste structures and this makes it easier. Matt |