Since I'm a sucker for the artform produced by Led
Zeppelin, I'd thought I'd
roll out a Tree in the middle of doing 4 leaves worth of that
great tome of
work, FTLOFBO!
So here goes. The following is an amalgamation of emails that
forms the
history behind this Tree and how Wayne Catalde sourced the tapes
Winston's remastering
The tapes used came from a member of the LZtrees group, Wayne
Catalde. Now
the majority of the set has a gen history of: Mike Millard
Master=> Maxell
XLII C-90s=>1st gen not marked=>CDR.
Andy also used an alt source to fill in the TYG cut. It was taken
from a DAT
that had the complete alt TYG source, Andy can confirm it is from
6/21/77 night.
No problem.. Andy told Wayne that alot of people will think he
just ripped
off Genuine Masters. These are totally different than the
Master>VHS source
GM used.
Andy and Wayne both did some research and both felt that Waynes
tapes held
the best sounding version of this great show so with that in
mind Wayne wanted to get it out to the fans.
The person Wayne got the tapes from worked at a tape outlet that
bought his supplies from. I guess they made a deal, Free blank
tapes for
Millards recordings. I have worked with alot of Millard low gens,
always marked them in some way.. these have not been
I transfered the Cassettes using a Nakamichi BX300 into my
computer using a
ECHO MIA soundcard and Samplitude 7 Professional. I cleaned
them up using
Sound Forge 6 and Enhanced them using Samplitude. They were
transfered and
remastered @ 44100 hz at 24bit.
I also used an alt source to fill in the TYG cut. The person that
lent me
that wants to remain anonymous.
We elected to stay away from the "LTTE" titles and
would like to keep it to
"Mike the Mike tribute series" with full credit going
to Wayne.
From what Wayne was told when the show was given to him in the
mid 80's is
that these tapes are first generation taken right from Mike's
So you must go to the LZ_Trees Yahoo group:
and sign up if you aren't
already a member.
Once there click on the Databse link on the left of the page,
seek out the
Forum table and add your details. There are a couple of examples
on what is
required of you when you fill it out.
Artwork can be found in the 'Files' section.
All methods of distribution are catered for as per my previous
I'll leave this run for 14 days hence.
A call to arms: I would like 2-3 European Branches and 4-6 USA
Branches to
contact me after signing on if they wish to act as Seeders to
distribute this. Once you are comitted I can get your discs to
you to avoid
delays once the structure is posted.
Also if the Led Zeppelin group is still going can someone post
this there
too, please!
Well hopefully that covers it, enjoy everybody.
Les. :)