First Announcement.  This tree will close Wednesday, Dec. 8.

John Paul Jones Nov. 18, 1999 Glasgow, Scotland  At the Garage

There will be both a CDR tree (2 CDRs) and a (Gasp!) Analog cassette (2
tape) tree.

To sign up as a branch for this show:


In the subject line: 
          Glasgow/CDR/Branch   if you want CDR
    or	  Glasgow/tape/Branch  if you want cassettes

 ***You must specify either CDR or tape***

In the Body include: Name, address, geographical location (country if
outside the USA.

Branches should be able to handle 5 or 6 branches, and must be able to
copy with DAO (for CDRs).

To sign up as a leaf for this show:

In the Subject: 
 Glasgow/CDR/leaf   if you want CDRs
   or   Glasgow/tape/leaf  if you want cassettes

 ***You must specify either CDR or tape****

In the Body: Name, email address, and geographical location (country if
outside the USA)

SetList: Zooma, Goose, Grind, The Smile of Your Shadow, Nosumi Blues, No
Quarter, Spaghetti Junction, Steel Away, Snake Eyes, acoustic triple-neck
solo, Crack Back, Bass 'n Drums, B Fingers, Jump Blues, When the Levee
Breaks, Tidal, Trampled Underfoot, Black Dog

Thanks to Ahmed Raza for providing the seed for this tree. He recorded
this show on a Sony MiniDisc portable recorder.