This is the official announcement for the DVD set "For
the Love of FBO".
Because of the large number of DVDSs (12) the tree will be run in
separate sections. The first list to be prepared will be as
1. Page/Plant Compilation #1
2. Page/Plant Compilation #2
3. Zep Reunions (3)
4. Led Zeppelin (various)
5. Jimmy Page Compilation #1
6. Robert Plant Video Compilation
You can refer to Carol Page's Complete Set List previously posted
for the
exact material on each disc.
Once the first set has been completed, the same branch will
handle the
remaining discs. Obviously because DVDs require more time
to burn and
because of the number of discs, this process will be
somewhat longer than
trees involvind CDs. Please be patient.
**Important** - Send your sign ups to
*Do not reply to this email"
To sign up as a branch use subject of BRANCH -FTLOFBO
Include your name, email location, state and trade preference,
i.e 2:1, B&P
or don't care. Also, the number of leaves you would be
willing to host.
To sign up as a leaf use subject line of LEAF - FTLOFBO
Include your name, e-mail location, state and trade ability, i.e.
2:1, B&P
or don't care.
For those unfamiliar with trees - the branch makes copies for the
leafs who
have no ability to burn discs themselves. B&P bascially
stands for Blanks
and Postage. For further information regarding this procedure go
Signups will end Friday, October 1, 2004 at 7:00AM Eastern
Standard Time