Thanks to young? Scott H: "I have a 10 rated DAT>CDR of Milwaukee that is excellent and the best I have heard from the First Leg of the Tour.

There was a cut on Celebration Day and Wanton song but I used another 9 rated source to replace those Two songs. Anyway it's complete and excellent show/sound."

That's the short review from Scotts listed email.

If you'd like to get onto the tree, you have one of three available positions; Supply Branch, Branch or Leaf. I will require a few supply branches to supply seeds to normal branches, mainly for U.S. traders due to sheer volume and possibly Europe. I have the seed discs and would not want to bog down the distribution by having to make seed discs for all branches. If you are willing to supply seeds to branches I would appreciate hearing from you.

To sign up please respond as follows:

Supply Branch:

Send me an email with:

"Supply Branch Milwaukee" as the subject (less quotes),

email address,

postal address,

name, number of branches willing to burn for, and willing to burn for overseas traders Yes/No.


Send me an email with:

"Branch Milwaukee" as the subject (less quotes),

email address,

postal address,


number of leaves willing to burn for, and willing to burn for overseas traders Yes/No.


Send me an email with:

"Leaf Milwaukee" as the subject (less quotes),

email address,

postal address, and


This is the first announcement, this tree will be open for the next 10 days, I'll hopefully post a reminder in 5 days or so. BTW other than what has been written at the beginning I have no further knowledge on the source discs. I'll post a setlist when it is available.


Les. :)